My mind is spinning with topics to write about this morning. The last few days I've found myself in a valley. As I've talked about my feeling with my family they have helped me tremendously. The mountain top is within sight :). I gained much wisdom from my teenager just last night. She hasn't felt good this weekend and I have good days and bad days in regards to how I feel (more bad than good it seems lately). Anyway, last night I was sharing with Olivia how I felt discouraged because I have been praying that the Lord would grant me good health so I could get a job and help pay for the things I'd like to buy (extras if you will). My daughter said, "Maybe the Lord doesn't want you to have a job" ... Hmmm, you know what ? maybe He doesn't. Wisdom from a teen. At lunch yesterday I told Chris how I wished for a certain type of friend for this stage in my life. After he and I talked I realized that what I thought I needed in that person I already have. Then as I talked to my mom just before bed and she and I were both talking about how we don't feel good most days. We don't begrudge others with their good health, but we question why the Lord allows some of us NOT to have the energy and spunk that He allows others to have. She and I were in agreement that if the Lord is using us in the state that we are in, then we will be content and give Him the glory ... ultimately its all about Him anyway. Wow, just talking through all of that with my 3 loves really gave me a new perspective. Maybe you can't follow what I'm saying, but the point is this: My life is not my own. I am a child of Jesus and I want to serve Him. It's when I think of serving myself ( like wanting to get a job so I can buy Vera Bradley stuff and other worldly things) that I get discouraged. Seriously I don't know what I'm thinking. Usually I'm so level headed and don't care about name brands. I do like good quality, but mostly I am a thrifty chick who gets a thrill from a good deal rather than paying full price. Olivia and I talked on the way to school about how the Lord provides for the birds. He says that
He clothes the birds of air, He feeds them. He says, "Are you not of more
value than they?" He also says to consider the lilies of the field and
not even Solomon was arrayed like one of these. A few verses later Matthew tells us not to worry about what we shall eat or
what we shall drink or what we shall wear. Our Heavenly Father knows that we
need all of these things.
Matthew 6:33 tells us "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
He know our needs before we do. He may not
always supply all of our wants, but He always meets our needs. So as I am climbing up out of my valley I want to leave you with the hope of Jesus. I believe He allows us to share our burdens with others so we can help and learn from each other. I am sharing what He is teaching me today. Keep your eyes on Him and keep climbing ... He is right there with you, teaching you as you make your way up the mountain. Is the climb difficult? Yes. Will there be slips along your way? Yes. Will Jesus always be there to catch you when you slip? Yes, yes, yes. Never give up. You are not alone.
Now go be a blessing ...