Sunday, September 23, 2018

Forget Skinny, Find Healthy

I have to admit since writing my last post about finding Skinny Susan I've had subtle reminders of who that girl was.  When Skinny Susan was in high school all she wanted was to NOT  be Skinny.  She wanted to gain weight.  She didn't want to hear those rude boys say she had "chicken legs".  She didn't like being asked if she was anorexic.  She was a young girl who ate snickers every day at lunch just hoping to add weight.  So, let's forget Skinny Susan; she is in the past.

Present day Susan, "me" grew up.  I put on that weight I always wanted.  I'd say I got a little more than I bargained for over the past 10 years. I take full responsibility. It's all my fault because I love cake!!! Any cake will do; cupcakes, cheesecake, sheet cake, round cake, cake!!! So, in a nutshell, my love for cake and lack of movement has brought me to this point of weight gain.

Now I need to do something about it.  I have to create a new Susan, a healthy one.  A Susan who can balance out what she eats with exercise.  Moderation!!! Since posting my last blog I have a friend who is going to start walking with me.  I have been told of excellent books that help with a lifestyle change and not a diet (note* I'm not knocking diets.  If you are on a diet, good for you and best wishes).  I am trying to find what will work for me.  I've read that weight loss and hormones go hand in hand so I will research that aspect of weight loss.  I am going to read a book called, Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo recommended by my aunt.  I came across a blog called, Runs for Cookies and the author really inspired me in her weight loss journey.  She is on facebook if you want to type in Runs for Cookies and check out her inspiring journey.

My goal is to get educated on what I can do to do make a change and then to make it!! Thanks for your prayers and encouraging words.  Once I figure out my plan I'll share it. If it helps me reach my goals for a stronger, healthier Susan then I've succeeded.  I want to be the best wife, mother, daughter, aunt, Sunday school teacher and friend that I can be.  Being healthy is key!!!

Go be a blessing . . . 

Forget Skinny, Find Healthy