Today my heart is breaking for the lost. Lately I don't like what I'm seeing in this world. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a Christian, a believer. In a nut shell it means that I believe in the Bible and I try to live my life according to those words. People are either believers or unbelievers ... there is no in between. As a christian I know I was born a sinner and needed Jesus. He lived a perfect life, died on a cross and rose from the dead... all so you and I could have our sins forgiven. I sin every day because I'm human, but in the midst of being me, I'm trying to be more like Him. I seek Him every morning by reading His word. I give my day over to Him and ask Him to show me what it is He'd have me to do with my time. I pray that I'll be the wife, mother, friend, Sunday school teacher, caregiver, blogger etc. that He'd have me to be. No, I am not perfect, I don't claim to be, I just try to do the best I can for Him. He commands that we love one another. In loving others we are obeying His word.
My hearts desire is for you to know the joy and peace that I know from Jesus. Some say the bible is just an old book, written by old men and it has no value to them. My heart breaks for them ... if only they could read it and grasp the power of those words. I am a person who is so in love with Jesus and His precious word that I don't want unbelievers to miss out. I want you to give God a chance. If you seek Him, you will find Him. He loves you as much as He loves me. Truth is, Jesus is all you need.
My husband went on a mission trip to Thailand several years ago. He put together a group of pictures from his trip and set it to music. The song that he chose spoke to me so I asked him about it this morning so I could share it with you all. It will be on my facebook page hopefully linked in with this blog. :) I hope it touches your heart like it touches mine. If you are a follower of Jesus that is great ... will you join me in praying for several of my friends who don't believe? Thanks.
Go be a blessing ...