Monday, September 15, 2008

Pack Rat

Even though I don't like the term "Pack rat" I am one. I inherited the disease ( and it is a disease) from my precious mother, who in turn inherited it from my precious grandmother who at 92 has more scarves, pictures and cards than anyone has time to count. Over the weekend Chris & I decided to clean out the office (it's suppose to be his space with his computer equipment, hunting and fishing stuff etc.). Well, I found out on Saturday that not only was I born into the "pack rat" family I married one too. My sweet Chris is a paper and box pack rat. He has kept the box for every electronic device we have ever bought not to mention the paperwork, whew... it was quite overwhelming to see everything we had kept since 1996. Well not anymore; he and I boxed up and bagged up and took out the trash. Things are starting to look and feel better around here. He and I both said how good it felt to throw stuff away; it's very freeing. Not only do we have a closet where we can actually put the stuff we use; there is a little empty space in there as well :-) It's OK to have some empty space.

Life is so much like our weekend of cleaning out. As a Christian who is trying to do God's will I find myself not letting go of stuff that is just cluttering my walk with the Lord. How freeing it is to give that junk to the Lord and let him "take out the trash" of my life. He can fill those "empty spaces" with his goodness and then help us make better use of why we are here in the first place. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."Galatians 5:1 I want to be used by the Lord; not a slave to junk. As you go through out your day think of areas where you have some "junk" you can give to the Lord. Let him help "clear your clutter" so He can get through to you and use you.

Pray for me as I seek to be used by the Lord right where I am. I will be praying for you.

Blessings ...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. You inspire me. Thank you!!! I love that you find meaning out of the little things in life.

Forget Skinny, Find Healthy