Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm back

Good morning :-) I've been away from my computer for a while. What a week! I have a praise for the snow! It was so beautiful coming down Sunday night. That was a nice answer to prayer. What I didn't plan for was that my Livie would be sick and unable to play in the snow. Chris took me and her to the doctor on Monday :-( She was running a fever of 101.8 and I had a sore throat. Turns out she had a double ear infection and I was fine. Poor child. She didn't get to play in the snow which is why there are no pictures of her in our snow pictures. I think on Tuesday she went outside for 15 minutes, but had to come in and lay back down. She spent Sunday and Monday in bed with a fever and vomiting and Wednesday was like a recovery day. I took her to school yesterday and prayed for her to be ok. She did good and felt like going this morning. So, this momma has been to busy nursing to blog. What a week. Olivia has been to the doctor 4 times in the past 8 weeks. She can't seem to shake these germs. My mom and mother-in-law suggested I take the guinea pig out of Olivia's room to see if that will help. She's never had an allergic reaction to pets, but the guinea pig bedding could be causing some issues. I have moved it to the other end of the house so we'll see if that helps. I guess I am ready for spring now. I cleaned out two closets yesterday and took all of that stuff straight to Goodwill. Today I am going to pick up my mom and spend a little time with her. She had a complete physical on Tuesday and found out she has osteoporosis. Her birthday is this month and she is feeling the effects of getting older. If you think about it, pray for her not to be down about getting older. Her name is Rachel. Thanks. Pray for Chris and Olivia to have a good day at work and school. I'll be praying for you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!
She may have an allergy related to the guinea pig. I am terribly allergic to my piggies' hay and either have to get someone else to give it to them or immediately hurry to a sink to wash my hands and arms. Then I blow my nose like there's no tomorrow. It turns out that the hay affects my skin and respiratory system. If she's having a respiratory reaction, that could definitely lead to the ear infections. I'm not sure about the tummy bug stuff, but that's been going around the school something awful.
We were all glad that she made it back to school on Thursday, and I really hope that she can finally shake all this yuck that she's been dealing with.

Susan said...

Thanks. So far it seems that having Cassie out of her room is helping. We'll see how things continue to go.

Forget Skinny, Find Healthy