Thursday, September 25, 2008

Long to-do list; no energy

You know when I post pictures from last fall I am pretty tired. I have had a full week and it's only Thursday. Last night I went to my First Place Class ... had weigh in and I did NOT jump up and down. I had gained one pound which put me at my ALL TIME most weight ever.??? Not sure what's going on except my sweet Chris said, I must be building muscles :-) I love him. Anyway, I am just in the beginning stages so I know as the weeks go on I will change my eating habits, lose weight and keep it off. Keep praying for me and my sweet tooth. Thanks.

My schedule for the rest of the week is so full I had to take a nap this morning, yes I really did. I was exhausted. Who knows what I'll be writing about, if I even have time to sit down to write. I have made this a habit though ( and kind of enjoy it ) so bare with me if you are a regular reader. If you are not then check back often; some days are better than others :-)

Today Olivia's school is hosting a family picnic (a first for us since we are new to the school). We are all looking forward to it this afternoon. By the way Olivia was on the news last week; her teacher won the Golden Apple Award and News Channel 4 came out and spent an hour with the class. If you go to her teachers website: you can see the short clip and my girl in action :-) Olivia was so proud to be on TV . Of course I was proud too.

Well, work calls, so I must go. Have a blessed day. Don't forget to thank the Lord for fall ... isn't this a wonderful time of year. Let's get out there and enjoy it.

Blessings ....

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Forget Skinny, Find Healthy