Over the summer Olivia and I went through biblical counseling to help us overcome our anxiety and fears. It was a wonderful time together with our bible and counselor. We learned that fear is not of God and now 2 Timothy 1:7 is one of my most treasured bible verses. It says, " For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." When you go through life worrying about the "what if's" you don't really enjoy much. You find yourself saying no to invitations that could be fun and worthwhile. You miss out on many joys. Praise the Lord that is NOT the case with either of us anymore. Through the word of God we have been set free !!! Our counselor told us that Satan was not going to be happy about this because for years he has been putting chains on us (they are now removed by the power of the holy spirit). She assured us that Satan would attack us and she said he would attack our health. She couldn't have been more correct. Olivia has had sinus allergy issues and missed school due to sickness. I've been struck deaf in my left ear. I have my 3rd and final steroid shot in my ear this week before an MRI is ordered. I am an active person who loves caring for my family and doing for others. This ear issue has slowed me down. I drove out to Target last week and while sitting in the parking lot Satan kept whispering that I shouldn't go inside. He told me that I'd just get dizzy and that I needed to go back home. I knew that wasn't from the Lord so I pulled out my Victory journal from counseling and I read all of the verses that helped before. I prayed and asked the Lord for strength. Do you know when I got out of the car a good friend was there and she asked how my ear and dizziness was? She wanted to know if I was ok and if I needed her. Coincident? No way. The Lord put her there to encourage me and to remind me that the Lord is always going to meet my needs ( and yours for that matter, if you will only trust Him). I shopped and bought what I needed. I didn't have any dizzy spells :-) I had another victory to write in my victory journal! Right now I am taking life one moment at the time. Honestly, I am unsure of what my future holds, but knowing who holds my future keeps me going. When you lose your hearing in one ear, the other ear tries so hard to overcompensate. Teaching 5 year old children is a joy, but the sounds my one ear takes in when all of the kids get excited and talk is tough. I love to go to church, but music is not the same. Sunday I had to sit out while the singing was going on because of all of the different sounds. Thankfully I can listen to the pastor ( or one person). I wonder if Charles Billingsley's concert this Sunday evening will be my last??? I'm curious how my ear will do with one singer verses a choir. I think acappella will sound good :)
So this is me sharing and venting I guess. I'd be amiss if I forgot to share with you about making the treat bags with scripture to give out on Halloween. Every year our family fills candy bags and attaches the word of God. This year I printed a prayer for the child on one side of the paper and the plan of salvation on the other side. We all will pray over the bagged candy and we'll know that each child who leaves our door on Halloween will be carrying the word of God with them. If you'd like a copy of what I typed I'll be glad to send it to you.
Well that's all that's on my heart right now. Actually Little One is still on my heart, but I've been so occupied with doctor appointments that the Lord has healed the hurt of her being gone. I still keep in touch with her new foster family and she is doing great !!
Go be a blessing ...