Have you ever thought of the phrase; "As seen on TV"? What exactly is that suppose to mean? Are we suppose to think because something has been seen on TV that it is a better product than something NOT seen on TV? Is it suppose to be the best, fasting working pill or machine? It is suppose to be the best cleaning product, just because it was 'seen on TV'? I used to work for a couple who had vowed not to watch TV. They didn't have a TV in their home and their teenage daughter had only seen television occasionally. They are of the Seventh Day Advent Faith. This past weekend we had dinner with a couple from our church who told me they don't watch TV in their home either. I think they have a TV, but it is not connected to an antenna or cable, they use it to watch documentaries rented from the library.
Yesterday a salesman called us from Charter and unlucky for him I answered the phone instead of Chris. We have the charter bundle and he wanted to know if we'd like to upgrade to an even faster speed??? I politely told him no, but you know those salesmen he kept on talking. I finally told him that if it were up to me we wouldn't have a TV in the house and he quickly asked if Mr. Neal was available. I couldn't help but laugh as I told him no and that ended our call.
So ...you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with each other?
Well ... I really value my Christian friends thoughts about why they don't watch Television. When I am flipping endlessly (and wasting time) trying to find something worth watching I have often questioned WHY we have television? What's the purpose of it? What makes it so great that just because something is "As seen on TV" it's suppose to be fabulous. Let's face it friends 95 % of what is seen on TV is vulgar, sick and twisted and most importantly it's NOT REAL!!!!
I think we'd all be wise to kill the cable and dish and take control of our homes. Keep your TV but only watch family chosen and approved DVD's and movies. Play your Wii games and have family time. Let's get rid of the fake drama's and murder movies that give unstable people more ideas. Let's take the sex scenes out of view of our precious children. You may say oh I protect them from that ... you may try but have you seen the shampoo commercials, the Hardees thick burger commercials???? come on wake up and smell the evil. I am starting today to pray for my family and our decision to wean off of the TV. Pray and ask the Lord what he'd have you and your family do.
Let me hear your thoughts on this ...
My husband asked me last night if TV was an idol for me - apparently I watch more than I thought I did!!!!! I think perhaps I would do well by turning it OFF. Great BLOG - very convicting for me!
Thanks for your comment. I love how the Lord allows us to encourage one another from our experiences and daily living. I don't know who MrsB is but I'll pray for you and please pray for me. Thanks.
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