Friday, September 2, 2011

Lessons from flower pots.

In the few short weeks that we had "Libby" I was so busy chasing after that sweet bundle of energy, that I completely forgot to water the flowers on our front porch. After taking a walk yesterday morning I came up on the porch and cleaned out the dead plants from the two pots just above this post. I noticed a little life in one of the 3 plants on the middle of my porch so I watered it. Then I couldn't help but notice the plant closes to our front door and directly beside the word of God. You see it up there? Scroll up and look at it ... some of the leaves are yellow, but the flower still has a bloom and overall looks good. What does that tell you? It tells me that if you stay near to the word of God you will remain alive (yes, you will bare some yellow leaves that will need to be plucked and you may get droopy), but you will NEVER be alone. God will give you the strength to stand in the midst of trials and hardships. I am reminded of a song I sang as a child; The B-I-B-L-E yes that's the book for me, I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E. It's amazing how much you can learn from a few flower pots. :)

Go be a blessing . . .

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Susan, this is so true!! Thanks for posting!

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