Monday, December 31, 2012


Wow, is it really the end of another year?  As I look back over 2012 I find myself with mixed emotions.  Let me hit the highlights.  In January 2012 Chris and I stepped out of our comfort zone and stood before our church and TV viewing audience to talk about being foster parents. That was the beginning of several speaking opportunities where we shared from our heart about our calling. In February Olivia brought home the 3rd place ribbon in her schools Science Fair. So proud of her. March brought "Little One" our first foster child, back into our home.  We took a family beach trip the first week of April, then on the 19th my baby girl turned 13.  In May I was bitten by our prodigal kitty.  After 18 doses of Sulfa for the bite, I broke out in an itchy rash and found out I was allergic to my fourth antibiotic.  Chris and I celebrated 16 happy years of marriage.  In June Olivia and I rode around and delivered fliers for Vacation Bible School at our church.  At the end of the month she and I volunteered to work with the second graders at VBS.  Little One was in our class and we all had a great week.  In July Chris and Olivia took an all day hunter safety training class.  Olivia and I also started Biblical christian counseling.  It was very eye opening and such a blessing.  Little One learned how to ride a big girl bike without training wheels.  August brought me a year older hubby and another beach trip with the girls and my mom.  It was so nice to have mom at the beach.   In September Olivia started voice lessons at school.  We finally went to court for Little One after the date being changed for months.  Chris went shrimping, but the shrimp were not there.  I lost hearing in my left ear and began a new journey in my life. September 30th Little One moved to another foster home. October was the month I spent in Dr. Butehorns office.  I had 3 steroid shots ($1300 each) in my ear ( one a week for 3 weeks).  Olivia went to the night corn maze with her classmates and had a great time.  My mom's side of the family had a family reunion at Lake Cooley.  Grandmother Quinn was able to attend along with her brother and all the family. It was a special day.  In November Chris and I went through an all day Foster parent mentoring program. Olivia and I put up the Christmas tree and decorated the gazebo for Christmas. I had a sleep study and my first ever brain MRI.  I found out that I didn't have sleep apnea or a tumor on my ear canal. Praise the Lord for His mercy.  December gave Chris a year older wife. We were able to spend the evening with Little One at the foster parent Christmas party and she is doing great !! Olivia had a good month singing with chorus and spending some fun times with her friends.  Whew ... and to think of all of the stuff I left out.  Health wise this hasn't been my best year, BUT I honestly believe that the Lord doesn't allow anything to happen without a purpose, SO I give Him all the glory and honor.  I may never know why I lost my hearing, I may never regain it, but I do know the One who allowed it and I trust Him completely.  So no matter what happened this year it was not in vain.  I will continue to seek and trust and hopefully learn and grow from these experiences.  The only thing that is important is that you have a relationship with Jesus.  If you don't, then make that your 2013 goal.  He is all you need.  Take it from someone who knows. 

Love to you all.

Go be a blessing ....

Forget Skinny, Find Healthy