Today in South Carolina it is primary day. I've had to pray hard, research and ask questions as I decided on which candidates to vote for. It's important to go vote and to pick the person with the morals and values that are important to you. I want my representatives to represent me and what I stand for (that's their job). As a christian I am a representative for Jesus Christ. I am to represent Him. That's my job. I can't think of a better day to share my story of salvation with you.
33 years ago today during vacation bible school at Tucapau Baptist church I prayed to ask Jesus into my life. I was 11 years old and had wanted to ask Jesus into my heart for some time. I grew up going to Sunday school every week. I had some wonderful teachers like; Pat Barnett, Jackie Frost, Helen Bradley, Connie Dobson and others who I am sorry are not coming to mind right now. I really loved GA's (which stood for Girls in Action). Joan Davis was my teacher and she did a great job teaching us about Jesus and missions. We used to go sing at nursing homes and at Christmas we would take soap wrapped in washcloths for the residents (we shaped them like candles). We had guide books with activities we'd complete and earn badges to go on our GA Jacket ( I still have my red GA jacket). I have fond memories from Camp Rawls like making baskets, picking a stick and cooking my own hotdog and fun crafts. It was a special time in my life. Those folks helped shape me into the woman I am today. A non-perfect christian woman, who loves the Lord and seeks Him daily. As a young girl I remember many Sunday worship services ending with us singing the old hymn "Just as I am". The preacher would give the invitation and this little mill hill girl would struggle with the desire to accept Jesus and that long walk to meet the preacher ( we sat on the 3rd pew from the back). I was a quiet and shy person so getting up and walking in front of everyone was more than my nerves could bare. Our Lord in His graciousness gave me another way to meet Him in the form of Vacation Bible School. Our youth minister at the time (who is now a pastor) Dr. Wayne Dickard, taught the Bible lesson that night at VBS. I can't tell you what verses he read or the story he shared. All I know is when he finished he asked us to bow our heads and close our eyes. He asked if anyone wanted to pray to accept Jesus to raise your hand? Wow!! That was my moment! I lifted my hand. After class we went to the pastors study and on my knees I prayed and invited Jesus to be Lord of my life. In the weeks that followed I finally did make that long walk from the back of the church to my pastor. I told him of my decision and that I wanted to baptized. I was baptized sometime later.
Picking a candidate today was important, but choosing Jesus as my Lord was the best decision of my life and the most meaningful. Being a christian doesn't mean life is easy or that you won't have pain or heartache or sickness. Being a christian means you won't ever have to do life alone. It means that you are sealed forever with a saviour. Jesus died on a cross for my sin and yours. He paid the price and offers the free gift of salvation to all who will accept Him. Won't you accept Him today? If you have questions just message me. It will be the best choice of your life; I guarantee it !!!!
Go vote and go be a blessing . . . Choose Jesus.